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Gord & Sandy: Why we've decided to come along on the 70th Anniversary Liberation Tour

During our very first phone conversation, you asked me how I found out about the Battlefield Tours. At the time I couldn't recall specifically except that I found about it on the internet. After that phone call I looked through my history files and realized that I found your website quite by accident when searching for specifics on a particular display that Sandy and I had recently seen at the war museum in Ottawa. It was a display containing a written message that I found quite moving. I was eventually able to obtain this information through the library department of the museum and thought it might interest you.

Sandy and I had discussed making a trip to Holland sometime because my parents are Dutch immigrants and I still have relatives there, but we never decided on an exact time frame. We found serendipity with your tour and decided to go. So you might say a visit to the war museum led to a trip to Europe.

We're counting the days,

Gord & Sandy

Hello Mr. Wemekamp,

Here is the wording for the display in the Second World War gallery on the Liberation of the Netherlands:

Netherland-Canada Society

With great admiration and filled with unspeakable gratitude 17000 in habitants of the Netherlands offer in the name of the Dutch Nation.

To the splendid Canadian Army and people

For the liberation of their country the symbol of their regained freedom

By this the people of the Netherlands also wish to express their gratitude for the charming hospitality shown to their Princess-Royal and her family in their hour of need.

I believe this note accompanied the two books that are in the display case.

Kind regards,

Lara Andrews

Librarian, Military History Research Centre

Canadian War Museum

Bibliothécaire, Centre de recherche sur l’histoire militaire

Musée Canadien de la guerre

1, place Vimy Place, Ottawa, ON K1A 0M8

T 819-776-8680

Glad you can join us Gord & Sandy - and thank you for sharing the display that inspired you - Im sure this will inspire us to get over to Ottawa and see the exhibition ourselves!

Looking forward to meeting you, and thanks for sharing with us.

-The Battlefield Tours Team

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